Thursday, November 6, 2008

TMJ Cure - Can you "Cure" TMJ?

Some say yes and some say no. The problem with TMJ is that there are so many causes and symptoms, that doctors argue over what TMJ REALLY is. Those of us with TMJ know that it is real and it is incredibly painful.

I've experimented with several TMJ cures over the years. Pretty much everything short of having surgery. Some worked, but most didn't. My favorite pain relieving method right now is using a dixie cup.

Yes! Fill a dixie cup 1/4 full with water and put it in your freezer. Once it's frozen, take the cup out and place the bottom of it on your TM joint. Rub in a circular motion. This is heavenly when you're a lot of pain. The ice makes the inflamed joint go down and it numbs the joint at the same time.

That's my favorite pain relief technique, but it's not a tmj cure. I've been trying these exercises at home in my bathroom for several months now. I haven't had a bad TMJ flare up in several weeks. Trust me they work!

1 comment:

Bob Johnson, Peddler said...

Hi David,

Would you like to try the use of interferential for your tmj? If so I'll be glad to loan you the use of the Infrex Plus unit for one month to try.

Let me know if you would like to try. My phone number is 800-937-3993 and the web site is

